08:00am - 18:30pm (Mon-Fri)
Chadwell Heath Health Centre, Ashton Gardens, RM6 6RT
08:00am - 18:30pm (Mon-Fri) 0208 597 1840

Repeat Prescriptions
If you take medicine regularly you'll usually have a repeat prescription. This means you can order your medicine when you need it without having to see a GP until your next medicine review.
This means that the doctor has given permission for you to be given this prescription in the future, without first having to make an appointment with them.
We DO NOT accept medication request via the telephone, therefore we discourage calling the reception for requesting a repeat prescription, unless you are housebound. We have very busy phone lines, so it would be best if you can follow the alternative methods below.
How to request your medication
Patients can request repeat prescriptions through PatientAccess or the NHS App. If a patient has already nominated a pharmacy, prescriptions will be sent there. If not, they will be sent to the practice to be picked up. Doing it online will help minimise your trips to the Practice – only one visit is needed to collect the prescriptions, and allows you to avoid queues and busy telephone lines.
By Hand/ Post
After the doctor authorises your repeat prescription, you will be given a prescription slip. Tick the items you require on the slip - or - write it on a piece of paper. Then either post it or drop it in the postbox outside the surgery. If you want the prescription posted back please enclose a stamped addressed envelope.
This GP practice offers the Electronic Prescription Service, which allows you to choose or “nominate” a pharmacy to get your medicines or appliances from. If you don't have this set up, we can do this at the practice, or you can ask your pharmacy to set you up.
Once you, or the pharmacy have requested your repeat medication, the GP will then send your prescription electronically to the place you nominated within 2 working days.